About Us

NEXSA BIO  is one of the experts in manufacturing of bio septic tank. Our motto is to provide a pollution free environment and clean ground water. We are providing long term solutions for sewage problems for residents as well as commercial. Our bio septic tank is used to process and dissolve all forms of organic waste, especially human waste. It helps us to prevent groundwater pollution, which treats (recycles) water before evaporation and percolation, and prevents bad smell from sewage water. We can use treated water for irrigation/gardening purposes. We aspire to conserve the environment through better prevention or avoidance of sewage pollution and preserve clean groundwater.
NEXSA BIO  provides quality  Bio Septic tank in Chennai, Bio Septic tank in  Salem, Bio septic tank Trichy, Bio septic tank in Coimbatore, Bio septic tank in Erode, Bio septic tank in Thanjavur, Bio septic tank  Cuddalore, Bio septic tank in Madurai, Bio septic tank in Thirunelveli and Bio septic tank solution in entire  Tamil Nadu