How It Works ?

Human waste gets collected into our proprietary bacteria filled bio tank which disintegrates the solid waste. The treated water is moved to next tank with sludge from previous process  which is again digested by the bacteria. After releasing carbon-dioxide and methane, clean odourless treated water is stored in next tank which can be used to water your plants or let the squeeze underground for natural cleaning and treatment

Usage of Bio Spetic Tank

Home wastewater enters the septic tank, which separates solids from liquids. Solids are held in the septic tank and liquids are conveyed to the final soil treatment site. The septic tank is a “bioreactor” where micro organisms break down organic matter in the wastewater to liquids, gases and solids. Gases are vented off through the house vent stack. Solids are composed of both scum and sludge. Scum is lighter than water and floats to the surface in the septic tank. The solid parts are heavier than water and sink to the bottom of the tank. Bacteria feed on the wastes and the fraction that can’t be decomposed is “sludge.” Sludge accumulates in the bottom of the septic tank and must be removed periodically.